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COVID-19 Safety Procedures

While we are all unsure how this pandemic will continue to affect us locally, Auchinachie Services plans to continue to do everything in our power to protect our valued customers and our staff. Our company has always valued the health and well-being our staff. We are taking active steps to ensure that anyone presenting symptoms of communicable illness seeks medical attention as needed, receives testing as required, and takes the necessary time to get healthy to avoid spreading any illnesses amongst our staff or to you, our customers.


At this time, we are completely focused on staying healthy because the demand and need for clean drinking water, hot water for personal hygiene, proper drainage, climate control and indoor air quality don’t go away. We are available to do our part in ensuring our customers’ needs are met during any circumstances. Here are some of the ways we’re doing our part:

  • We ensure that we are abiding by quarantine requirements by checking with our customers to make sure that they have not been sick or out of the local area within the 2 weeks prior to our visit.
  • Our team members will not shake your hand and will always try to remain a recommended safe distance at all times.
  • Each team member will wear a protective face mask and gloves as well as fresh boot covers when entering your home.
  • We clean all equipment that we use and all surfaces that we touch in your home.

Thank you for the opportunity and privilege to serve your home comfort needs!

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